Friday, September 07, 2007

The Missing Peace

How do artists interpret the Dalai Lama? In 2004, when Randy Jayne Rosenberg was invited to curate the exhibition, she knew little about Buddhism and Tibet but understood the overarching vision: to portray His Holiness on a broad, universal platform.

Eighty artists from around the world tapped into their unique journeys and belief systems to create works showing how they perceive the Dalai Lama. The result is a tapestry of images, themes, and media that suggest the many roles the Dalai Lama plays within his world and ours: statesman, philosopher, politician, holy man, visionary, peacemaker, icon, and more.

The artists’ interpretations resonate with the great themes and ideals that the Dalai Lama embodies: the power of spirituality, the mystery of transcendence, universal interconnectedness, the need for peace. The exhibition begins with concrete concepts: the Dalai Lama’s appearance, religion, and homeland. It then circles outward into increasingly abstract and all-encompassing themes: human rights; compassion; the plight of people in exile; paths of transformation; universal responsibility; globalization; temporality; and impermanence.
This photograph by Richard Avedon was printed in 2003.
This video-based installation by Hi-Jin and David Hodge explores the temporal nature of life, featuring segments of interviews with more than 120 people. The installation is intended to promote reflection about who we are as human beings and how we are living in the world.
This painting by Guy Buffet imagines the Dalai Lama's response to petty annoyances.

With this intricate oil painting, Dario Camapanile imagines the day when peace is achieved. La Pace e con Noi (Peace is with Us), Artist Binh Dahn prints photographic images onto leaves, then casts the leaves in resin. His work addresses compassion, unconditional love, and the importance of forgiveness.

Brief History of Tibet, by Tenzing Rigdol

Seyed Alavi's works convert contemporary signage into drawings that prompt reflection on the nature of our lives as human beings. I Saw the Figure Five in Gold, by Ken Aptekar

Love flow chart 爱情流程图

Flow chart, traditional method of representing in schematic form the flow of data in a system. it shows the points of input and output, the logic or sequence of the various processing steps in the system, and the relationship of one element of the system to the other parts of the system or to other information systems. It is an important tool for the improvement of processes. But, today a friend sent me "a love flow chart". I found the sequence are pretty systematic, however as saying goes "当局者迷,旁观者清" those closely involoved cannot see as clear as those outside. Therefore, insiders may aware the next step, but just out of their control.


在一个英文网站看到《凤凰周刊》24期封面文章关于西藏采矿与生态的一个简短报道。搜了很久就是找不到全文,下来也买不到这类周刊,超郁闷。So, this is all about ....

Phoenix Weekly continues its run of provacative covers with a cracked photograph of a Tibetan landmark and the headline, "The roar of guns shocks the Potala Palace." The cover story this issue describes the recent mining rage in Tibet. Because of its rich natural resources, Tibet is being dug up by hundreds of legal and illegal mining companies. And they're not just domestic enterprises either - more and more ventures are coming in backed by foreign investment.

No doubt this kind of unsustainable mining may irreversibly alter the ecology of Tibet. However, local people's attitudes are mixed. Mining can bring them more money and better jobs, and they do not want to live in mud houses any more.











