Friday, March 13, 2009

No Time Like The Present

Surfing, gossips, music, movies, photos...
the world has gone mad!

after years a yak finally got his passport
immediately started his world travel
beach - too hot
mountain - too much
New york - too loud
London - too busy
Tokyo - too crowd
Paris - too crazy
shortly landed in Madrid
where his cousin bull lives
hug, kiss, music, dance, wine...
but then
shortly ended his life in a bullring

一 头牦牛不知出于什么原因,错误地走进斗牛场。杀红了眼的斗牛士们不由分说,乱剑砍死了这头牦牛。这个简短的故事像是一个多重指涉的寓言:即是所有现代化 进程中的民族国家的寓言,也是旅行者对于前程和命运的焦虑,更是人们对于陌生之物的普遍态度的一种症状。胜利者和受伤害者的形象并不完全等同于强者和弱 者,也许胜利和死亡本身,都是建立在恐惧、误解之上,都是命运的游戏。

Monday, March 09, 2009


3年前,在更顿群培画廊看到过用芭比,做的一件行为艺术作品,可惜当时没拍照。几天新闻网上看到消息说藏式“芭比娃娃”出炉了。福喜妹一个有加米名字的博日普姆。而且巨贵, 3000元一个妹妹。 Indeed, I have no interest in Barbie, but again just read - today is Barbie's 50th Birthday. I didn't know before that Barbie is manufactured by Mattel, Inc. and launched in 1959.3.9. What a coincident! After 50 years, Barbie is on top of the world. Today, maybe 福喜妹, the lucky and happy girl from Tibet is also happily celebrating world barbie girl's 50th....

Another 3.9,Tibetan Human Rights, Tibet Menschenrechte, Les droits de l'hommet du Tibet and 西藏人权网,中国第一个以西藏人权为主题的网站今天开通了。十几个板块,4种语言....very comprehensive information in English, German, French and Chinese, but Tibetan language!