Friday, May 02, 2008

People of Cambodia

Markets of Cambodia II


I have to, and also I used to make plans for my work, studies and life..., I believe in that the ultimate result of one’s actions are depending on how individual is picturing their own life. But after all, even with my experienced plans I have no a clue where is my own life. So, now I am completely convinced that the only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I love travel so always try to get myself in some strange lands. But, this is a luxury thought for most of Tibetans in China. Once a foreign friend told me that she thought there are not many Tibetan travelers only because they just don’t like it. Never thought a passport and a visa is an obstacle to move around. Therefore, in a sense I feel so lucky. I could feel the whole world even just with myself and good books and a bag.

On the road, a person is a history of country and, a casual chat is an event of learning and exchanging knowledge between different cultures and people. Hard to believe the boundary of the country could disappear without notices.

In Laos went to see Irrawaddy Dolphin, after around an hour boat trip we stop on an island and while waiting for dolphin I was chatting with a local guy who sell drinks to tourist. “Is Cambodia on other side of the river? I asked. “This is Cambodia. You are in Cambodia”. He said. Gosh, no visa no permit no check point but I am already in a strange land. That’s So Cool!


在路上;每一个不同肤色的游客,就是一个国家的历史。而每一次的交谈,就是不同民族与文化之间的认识与交流。在路上;除了人文景观的震撼力和吸引力,其自然风光也具有相当巨大的冲击力。记得在老挝第一次去看海豚,在茅棚下静静等待海豚时,我跟一个当地人聊起来。问他:“河的对岸是柬埔寨吗?" 他说:“这儿就是柬埔寨”。没有了国与国之间的签证、边境证、公安、安检,怎么一不留神我就站在柬埔寨了。虽然看完海豚还是坐船回老挝了,但一想到咱这儿光去个边境所需的繁琐手续,我就头晕。


I don’t like most of big cities, but Vientiane. I cannot get enough of nice food, fresh fruit shake and an incredible view of the Mekong River with Thailand across the other side of river.


With a Chinese passport the visa is always a big headache. Never ever thought of visa on arrival, but very first at Dom Kralor I got my first visa on arrival with bargain price.

Sunday, April 27, 2008