Friday, June 08, 2007




拉萨市常务副市长谢延智5日向"中华环保世纪行--西藏行"活动汇报时说,这项举措是拉萨市严格执行环境管理制度、加强污染防治的重要一环。 根据已经正式实施的《拉萨市政府关于在市区禁止探矿采矿、规范采石、采砂的通告》,拉萨市规划控制区内禁止探矿采矿,并整顿规范采石采砂行为;在划定区域内凡符合有关规定要求、手续齐全的采石、采砂场点,要严格按照科学合理开采,不得造成环境破坏和资源浪费。




  1. 为什么会有此《通告》?
  2. 界定禁采区的依据是什么?
  3. 其实现在乱探乱采矿都是在那曲,墨竹和日喀则等地区,而非禁采区。难道又是一个show case?
  4. 对那些乱探乱采矿,而又不在禁采区的矿区是如何处理?
  5. 说是在禁采区手续齐全的要严格按照相关规定科学、合理开采,不得造成环境破坏和资源浪费,那么又是哪个部门来监督?相关部门是否明白相关规定?
  6. 钢筋水泥的拉萨城市景观和生态环境已有太多“聚光灯”的关照了。

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Phunwang asks Hu to allow return of HH

Former Tibetan Communist official asks Hu to allow return of the Dalai Lama

A Tibetan Communist who led Chinese advance troops into his homeland decades ago has written to President Hu Jintao of China and condemned hard-liners for continuing their opposition to the exiled Dalai Lama and for blocking his return.
Phuntso Wangye's three letters to Hu have never before been made public and signal a debate in China's senior political echelons on the possible return of the Dalai Lama, who fled to India in 1959 after an abortive uprising in the Himalayan region.

"They make a living, are promoted and become rich by opposing splittism," Phuntso, who spent 18 years in solitary confinement after being purged in the 1950s, wrote in 2004. Reuters obtained copies of the letters from two sources close to Phuntso.

The Dalai Lama has said he wants greater autonomy, not independence, for his predominantly Buddhist homeland. But Chinese and Tibetan leftists, or conservatives, are convinced otherwise and regularly denounce him for trying to split Tibet from the Chinese "motherland."

In a letter written in 2006, Phuntso singled out a retired lieutenant general, Yin Fatang, Tibet's former Communist Party boss, for sticking to "wrong" leftist policies — a rare revelation of the unfading influence of hard-liners.

An aide to Yin turned down an interview request.

"Secretary Yin knows about Phuntso's three letters and has written reports for central departments concerned, but it's inconvenient to make them public," the aide said.

During a meeting with a Reuters correspondent in his Beijing home recently, Phuntso said he sent the letters to Hu through the National People's Congress, of which he was a member.

"I said it all in my letters," the 84- year-old said, declining to comment further to observe party discipline, which bars members from speaking to foreign reporters without approval.

"If the Dalai Lama and the central government reconcile, these people will be in a state of trepidation, feel nervous and could lose their jobs," Phuntso's 2004 letter says.
Phuntso was one of five people who led Chinese advance troops into Tibet's capital, Lhasa, in 1951.

He was the interpreter in negotiations and witnessed the signing of a 17- point agreement on the "peaceful liberation" of his homeland.

When the Dalai Lama met Mao Zedong in Beijing in 1954, Phuntso was the interpreter.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Fine Art

Art by Andy Warhol

Rest by Pablo Picasso

Evening Lounge by Brent Lynch

The Scream by Edvard Munch

The Kiss by Gustav Klimt

Girl with a Pearl Earring by Jan Vermeer

Blue Nude by Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso's tragic and poignant "Old Guitarist"

The Café Terrace on the Place du Forum, Arles, at Night, by Vincent van Gogh