Saturday, December 27, 2008





黑夜里的音乐和Sandy Tolan 的The Lemon Tree,我怎么就是一个局外人了。也许正因为如此,我才会这么痛.....

Thursday, December 25, 2008

War Is Over

at the end of each year, the overwhelming greeting messages with vary forms...
music is always a big part of it and I enjoy most
Happy Xmas by John Lennon, is always, but is not just a song

I wish, in the years to come...
No War
No Killing
No Fear
No Hunger
No... but people live free of ....

So this is Christmas
and what have you done
another year over
a new one just begun

and so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
the near and the dear ones
the old and the young
a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
let's hope it's a good one
without any fear

and so this is Christmas (war is over...)
for weak and for strong (...if you want it)
the rich and the poor ones
the road is so long

and so happy Christmas
for black and for white
for the yellow and red ones
let's stop all the fight

a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
lets hope it's a good one
without any fear

so this is Christmas
and what have you done
war is over - if you want it

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


星期六的下午,港南的天气阴霾,很多的家燕,成群停留在马路上觅食戏耍,看着来往的大货车 ,突然,一辆呼啸而过的大货车开过,地上只看到一团黑影留着,不幸又发生了……










Friday, December 12, 2008





网上说:“今天是吉祥天母节,也是‘西藏妇女节’,女人问你拿钱是,男人一定要给,否则会损福气...男人大出血”。 还有放话说“所有的男人都必须准备好红包。所有的女人问所有的男人要红包。一个一个地要,而且男人们必须给。据说:行长给500,科长给200... ..."白拿" ”

朋友说:“昨天聊至早上...,下午三点才起床,避开了抢钱的女人节...”。 朋友说:“I am hiding tomorrow since I don't have any money to give away for Pelha'i Duchen.”。 还有朋友说:“给你也发了数美元的彩信”;我暗想,多亏我手机不能接收彩信。更有很多人说:“这么喜欢要钱,也许是即将成为真乞丐的前兆而已.....”


Wednesday, December 10, 2008















Monday, December 08, 2008


但为什么我们就越来越像“伊达” - 饿鬼呢?
There is more in us than we know about. The famine, which happened 150 years ago. It's three lifetimes at most. Things that happen than were handed on from father to son, from mother to daughter, down to this day. They are within us now, and we don't deal with them. And it seems to me, this is what's interesting about a lot of Irish music now, that it is the carrier for this kind of feeling, and for this kind of emotion, that we have no other expression for it because politically we deny it, intellectually we deny it. Our literature ....... doesn't deal with this, our sentiment doesn't deal with this. But music, it's in the music, it seems to me. The culture can actually carry those things in al kinds of visible ways, in gesture, in movement, in language, in humour and in music.

Okay, I want to talk about Ireland
Specifically I want to talk about the "famine"
About the fact that there never really was one
There was no "famine"
See Irish people were only allowed to eat potatoes
All of the other food, meat, fish, vegetables,
were shipped out of the country under armed guard
To England while the Irish people starved
And then in the middle of all this
They gave us money not to teach our children Irish
And so we lost our history
And this is what I think is still hurting me

You see we're like a child that's been battered
Has to drive itself out of it's head because it's frightened
Still feels all the painful feelings
But they lose contact with the memory
and this leads to massive self-destruction
Alcoholism, drug addiction
All desperate attempts at running
And in it's worst formBecomes actual killing
And if there ever is gonna be healing
There has to be rememberingAnd then grieving
So that there then can be forgiving
There has to be knowledge and understanding

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong

An American army regulation
Says you mustn't kill more than ten percent of a nation
'Cos to do so causes permanent "psychological damage"
It's not permanent but they didn't know that
Anyway during the supposed "famine"
We lost a lot more than 10% of our nation
Through deaths on land or on ships of emigration
But what finally broke us is not starvation
No it's use in the controlling of our education
School go on about "Black 47"
On and on about "The terrible famine"
But what they don't say is in truth
there really never was one

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from
All the lonely people
where do they all belong

So let's take a look can we
The highest statistics of child abuse in the EEC
And we say we're a Christian country
But we've lost contact with our history
See we used to worship God as a mother
We're suffering from post traumatic stress disorder
Look at all our old men in the pubs
Look at all our young people on drugs
We used to worship God as a mother
Now look at what we're doing to each other
We've even made killers of ourselves
The most child-like trusting people in the Universe
And this is what's wrong with us
Our history books the parent figures lied to us
I see the Irish
As a race like a child
That got itself smashed in the face
And if there ever is gonna be healing
There has to be remembering
And then grieving
So that there then can be forgiving
There has to be knowledge and understanding

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from
(That I can tell you in one word)
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong

And if there ever is gonna be healing
There has to be remembering
And then grieving
So that there then can be forgiving
There has to be knowledge and understanding

And if there ever is gonna be healing
There has to be remembering
And then grieving
So that there then can be forgiving
There has to be knowledge and understanding
We stand on the brink of a great achievement
In this Ireland there is no solution
To be found to our disagreements
By shooting each other

Because of our tradition everyone here knows who he is
and what God expects him to do

Forgiveness, forgiveness
And understanding

Equate, be driven
And understanding

Monday, December 01, 2008

Shall We Dance

Again! World AIDS Day! Just like a show-time everybody into the streets for leaflets and condom. If people were really care and concern, everyday should be AIDS day not just 1st of December. HIV and AIDS is not just a health issue but a social issue; we are all part of it.....thus should work together! With one's friends, colleagues, wife, husband, child, community members....

As said, most intimate but probably most dangerous. So shall we dance, inside the condom...every time!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rock U, Chinese Democracy

I always enjoy James Reynold's reports and Qs....Always There!

And here, after Gun N' Roses's Chinese Democracy! James goes" An American rock ban releases a new album called "Chinese Democracy" what is the Chinese government response to such even?   Boom.... Mr.Qin Gang, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman replyed: "According to my knowledge, a lot of people don't like this kind of music - because it's too noisy, and too loud. James, I think you are a mature adult, aren't you?

说记者问外交部发言人秦刚:美国一个乐队“抢与玫瑰” 发行了一张名为《中国民主》的新专辑,中方对此有何反应? 秦笑眯眯地答:据我了解,很多人不喜欢这类音乐,因为它太嘈杂,噪音太大。我想你应该是一个成熟的成年人吧?

什么跟什么呀!摇滚,民主,成年人,音乐 ..... 所以的一切一切的一切,在中国都是噪声,都是污染....

It don’t really matter 其实无所谓
You’ll find out for yourself
No it don’t really matter
You’re gonna leave these thing to
Somebody else

If they missionaries
Real time visionaries
Sitting in a Chinese stew
To view my dis-infatu-ation
I know that I’m a classic case
Watch my disenchanted face
Blame it on the Falun Gong
They’ve seen the end and you can’t hold on now
Cause it would take a lot more hate than you
To stop the fascination
Even with an iron fist
Our baby got to rule the nation
But all I got is precious time

It don’t really matter
Gonna keep it to myself
No it don’t really matter
So you can hear it now from
Somebody else

Cause it would take a lot more time than you
I’ve got more masturbation
Even with your iron fist
Our baby got to rule the nation but all I got is
Precious time
Our baby got to rule the nation but all I got is
Precious time

It don’t really matter
Gonna keep it to myself
No it don’t really matter
So you can hear it now from
Somebody else

You think you got it all locked up inside
And if you beat them all up they’ll die
Then you’ll walk them home for the cells
Then now you’ll dig for your road back to hell
And with your makes you stop
As if your eyes were their eyes you can tell
In your lack of time

Saturday, November 08, 2008

True & False

社科院公布白领工资标准 拉萨月入900就是白领
三档:杭州4980[杭州白领工资标准你说我说] ,广州4750,苏州4300,厦门4100,青岛4000;

Here is the report from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on the standard monthly wages of white-collar workers in China. Surprisingly, Lhasa, the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region is listed at the bottom with 900RMB($130)/month. As 18,500RMB($2,700) per month, Hong Kong is listed on the top line. Beijing and Shanghai, with 5,000RMB and 5,350 are grouped in the second level.

But then,,just after few days on Xinhua News and released by National Bureau of Statistics of China on average wage level cross China. Tibet(32,436RMB) rank the top three, with Beijng(39,663RMB) on the first and Shanghai(39,004RMB) on the second place.

I am not quite sure how these calculation been done and where were these data source from? Interestingly, the article also listed top three average wage level in different sectors. The financial industry, is considered as the top industry, and followed by IT on the second and electric power, gas, water production and supply on the third place. It is almost impossible that Tibet could make average wage as higher as than Guangfdong or Nanjing, or even Sichuan, given these sectors are just rising industry in Tibet. But then....What is What? True things are false, for if the things be true

各省市工资水平排序 北京上海西藏居前三名



Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Is Anything Really Possible!

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer." - Chicago, Illinois 4 Nov 2008

Tonight, Obama and Amercian people made the history. No matter how bad and what people say about United States, it is a land of opportunity. I remember a Chinese moive had famous quote, it goes: 如果你爱一个人,送他去纽约,因为那里是天堂;如果你恨一个人,送他去纽约,因为那里是地狱。in translation, " If you love someone, send him to New York, for it's heaven; if you hate someone, send him to New York, for it's hell. " And I guess after today, most of people would love to live in US, as it is now. Anything is possible!

But then, I am wondering, is possible for an ordinaroy Tibetan be somebody in China? I don't know, really. I wish anything is possible all over the world. Be happy, be yourself, and be contributor to the society.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Tibet in quakes

Pull by Tsering Nyandak
Tibet, my country
Lhasa, my home
Tibetans, my fellows
Gone through great many difficulties
So, why we cannot this time
With earthquake hits Snowland
Let's hold hands together again
Wish Safe and Peace all over the World

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Who Spread AIDS!

I think this is extremely cool. 胡老师英语 会传播艾滋病 Teacher Hu's English can spread AIDS.Is that true? I laughed; we all laughed; at office. I even sent this picture to my colleague, 'Hu' whom we have always call “胡老师 Teacher Hu” to get the answer for the issue we are always talking - How HIV is spread in Tibet and elsewhere? so here we are, the answer!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


广场现象在中国任何一个角落都会有其生存的土壤。 在北京、在拉萨、在阿里、乃至在阿里革吉县,这么一个小县城也有够气派的文化广场。

这是阿里地区广场,超大所谓的文化广场。除了四周的山,头顶的蓝天白云,很难想象这是在西藏阿里。仙人掌、椰树和火柴盒的房子, 不知是要展示什么样的文化?!

这是扎达县 - 托林广场,古格王朝的所在地。也是象雄文化的中心地带。象雄是历史上一个古国。象雄是苯教的发源地,有着独特的象雄文。“象雄”一词,在象雄语中意为鹏地,即大鹏鸟之地。藏语称鹏鸟为“架琼”,与象雄语文完全不同。而现在的扎达文化广场把“象雄”文化,真当成“象”文化在演绎。援藏干部还特意赠送了一个银色的“象”,来象征此地乃“象雄”文化之源也。是真不懂历史还是重新诠释历史?!


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Lost Kingdom - Guge Dynasty

游走在古格 - 消失的王国里

Monday, July 07, 2008

Sand In My Shoes

I almost feel like its been years since my last holiday. Living in a mountains region, is living out of the endless ocean. It was not a choice as I was born and grew up in the mountain region. But, I so very much in love with the life in the mountain home, the people, the thin air, the cold, the snow, the sun, the starts in the night sky, the magnate color, etc. However, to me, a holiday is also about sand, heat, choice, freedom, interaction and those things that I don't have at home. I love the feeling of sand in my flip flops, and I just cannot get enough of the endless sea. Wish I had a holiday escape from these gloomy days.

Two weeks away it feels like the world should've changed
But I'm home now
And things still look the same
I think I'll leave it to tomorrow till unpack
Try to forget for one more night
That I'm back in my flat on the road
Where the cars never stop going through the night
To real life where I can't watch sunset
I don't have time
I don't have time

I've still got sand in my shoes
And I can't shake the thought of you
I shake it all, forget you
Why, why would I want to
I know we said goodbye
Anything else would've been confused but

I wanna see you again
Tomorrow's back to work down to sanitation
should've run back ?? before I left here
Try to Mama show her that I was happy here
Before I knew that I could get on the plane and fly away
From the road where the cars never stop going through the night
To real life where I can't watch sunset
And take my time
Take up our time

I wanna see you again
Two weeks away, all it takes to change in time around by falling
I walked away and never said that
I wanted to see again
I wanna see you again
I wanna see you again

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Fly as Lungda


Sunday, June 29, 2008

People in High Platform Houses, Kashgar

I feel so sad and sorry for those who live in High Platform Houses in Kashgar. In some way, I feel myself been in a zoo. Indeed, I hate zoos, to me, it is a place to fulfill human desire but at the sacrifice of others life and their freedom. Therefore, I don't like zoos and it has never been listed on my agenda wherever I go. Wondering around those houses in Kashgar, as outsiders, I feel so disgusting of our selfish. We are complete ignoring their feeling and disturbing their normal life. High Platform could be the future of Bharkor, maybe?! possible?!