Saturday, November 08, 2008

True & False

社科院公布白领工资标准 拉萨月入900就是白领
三档:杭州4980[杭州白领工资标准你说我说] ,广州4750,苏州4300,厦门4100,青岛4000;

Here is the report from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on the standard monthly wages of white-collar workers in China. Surprisingly, Lhasa, the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region is listed at the bottom with 900RMB($130)/month. As 18,500RMB($2,700) per month, Hong Kong is listed on the top line. Beijing and Shanghai, with 5,000RMB and 5,350 are grouped in the second level.

But then,,just after few days on Xinhua News and released by National Bureau of Statistics of China on average wage level cross China. Tibet(32,436RMB) rank the top three, with Beijng(39,663RMB) on the first and Shanghai(39,004RMB) on the second place.

I am not quite sure how these calculation been done and where were these data source from? Interestingly, the article also listed top three average wage level in different sectors. The financial industry, is considered as the top industry, and followed by IT on the second and electric power, gas, water production and supply on the third place. It is almost impossible that Tibet could make average wage as higher as than Guangfdong or Nanjing, or even Sichuan, given these sectors are just rising industry in Tibet. But then....What is What? True things are false, for if the things be true

各省市工资水平排序 北京上海西藏居前三名




Anonymous said...

What do you think? Is Xinhua true?

Anonymous said...

Can you please post link to the Xinhua report.

Blue Notes said...

Xinhua could be true! But I am not convinced. 按国家《劳动统计制度》规定,劳动统计的范围是对城镇单位进行统计,不包括私营单位和个体工商户。全市职工平均工资是统计部门根据城镇单位上报的劳动情况表汇总计算而来,用各个单位的工资总额相加除以全部职工人数,计算出职工平均工资。so, here again the government data,, it is obvious, the secondary and tertiary industries of Tibet are listed at bottom. we all know where the most of people live and how they earn a living..

then so called "white-collar workers" (¥900), Who are they really? I cannot think of any... But, "the middle class" in Lhasa! However, is there a middle class in China??

Anonymous said...


Blue Notes said...
