Friday, March 23, 2007

The Lives of Others <别人的生活>

Nothing is Private
Nothing is Sacred

If something is banned in China, it must be great! Quality proofed by Beijing. Just like "Notes on Tibet" by Woeser is a brilliant book but it offically banned, and because of that she also lost her job. “The Lives of Others”, is kind of officially banned film in China, plus a friend highly recommends this movie. So, I have no reason to reject the best film.

Have no regrets, after a watched this fantastic movie. At once a political thriller and human drama, The Lives of Others begins in East Berlin in 1984, five years before Glasnost and the fall of the Berlin Wall and ultimately takes us to 1991, in what is now the reunited Germany. The film traces the gradual disillusionment of Captain Gerd Wiesler, a highly skilled officer who works for the Stasi, East Germany's all-powerful secret police.

In deed, I felt this story somehow is just happening around me. Why a banned film in China created so many reactions from public, especially among artists and academics. People keep saying, for our life we have to watch "the lives of others". And, to me this is really a reflection of situation in TAR so I felt strong about it. Moreover, this film also gives a message of hope and a message of beauty to those people who live under repression and under monitor.

The Lives of Others, 《窃听风暴》或《别人的生活》,我自己更偏爱《别人的生活》这样的片名。毕竟现在从中国,英国到美国没有哪个不以“国家安全”National Security 的名义在干预别人的生活。为了国家、为了你我的安全,当“国家”到处安置摄像头、增加国家安全预算,我们并没有觉得自己生活的空间安全了,反而更加恐惧、更加不安。

Review from Chinese audience:











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